+ Olfat I. El-Mahi
I graduated from Faculty of Science on 2003 as the first on my class with an Honours Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering. I then win a scholarship from the Egyptian ministry of telecommunication for six month training program to improve my programming and Networking skills. Later I started as researcher assistant in City for scientific research institute i worked there until 2009. during this period i was involved in more then on project and gained experience on coding with C++ and open source codes. i proved myself until i became team leader for the last project i evolved with. The project used 3D laser scanner which I trained on in Australia at maptek Company. The project aim is to document and archive the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities and make a lot of studies in order to maintain it” a Documentary movie is now made by discovery channel about this subject”.At the same time I finished my master studies on 2008. In my master thesis i was interesting in work in Distributed Virtual Environments. I proposed a new method to improve DVE performance using Data Mining. for the experimental part i build my own application using High level Architecture (HLA) Protocol and OpenGL Performer using OpenGL Performer. I also have my fair share of teaching and supervising under graduate students projects on my field. Later i recived a scholarship to finish my Phd studies at ecole Polytechnique de Montreal in Embedded systems and system verification.
+ Current Projects
- My doctoral research is focused on Embedded System Verification Through Constraint-Based Scheduling: Verification has become one of the main bottlenecks in the design process of embedded systems, particularly for Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs). Efficiently proving the correctness of a design is of extreme importance to reduce cost and time-to-market. Simulation is a common verification method, but complex systems usually require long simulation times. This work advocates Constraint Programming (CP) as a powerful tool for the verification of performance metrics of MPSoCs.
+ Selected Publications
O. El-Mahi, G. Nicolescu, G. Pesant, and G. Beltrame, “Embedded system verification through constraint-based scheduling,” in The 17th IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT), 2012.
O. El-Mahi, G. Nicolescu, G. Pesant, and G. Beltrame, “Embedded system verification through constraint-based scheduling,” in CP Doctoral Programme 2012 (CPDP)..
N. Bhattacharya, O. El-Mahi, E. Duclos, G. Beltrame, G. Antoniol, S. Le Digabel, and Y.-G. Gu´eh´eneuc, “Optimizing threads schedule alignments to expose the interference bug pattern,” Search Based Software Engineering, pp. 90–104, 2012.
El-Mahi, Olfat I., et al. “Improvement of Distributed Virtual Environment(DVE) performance.” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security 9.3 (2011).