+ Nathalie Majcherczyk
I have received a MSc in electromechanical engineering from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. I am working toward a Doctorate Degree in Robotics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute under the supervision of Prof. Pinciroli. I am currently a research intern at Polytechnique Montreal. My research interest is swarm robotics.
+ Current Projects
- Scalable network deployment and maintenance in robot swarms
+ Scholarship and Awards
2016 B.A.E.F. Fellowship
2017 WPI Phd Global Research Experience Award
+ Select Publications
Majcherczyk, Nathalie, et al. “Experimental characterization of Drobot: Towards closed-loop control.” Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on. IEEE, 2014.
+ Contact Information and Links
- Email address : ** nmajcherczyk{at}wpi{dot}edu **