
+ Moritz Sperling

Hello World, I’m studiying Photonics and Computer Vision at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany. There I also received my B.Sc. in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques (IPM). There I worked with LiDAR-Sensors and this sparked my interest in 3D measurement and perception. After that I worked at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research, where I learned to use neural networks. My topics of interest include computer vision, machine learning, 3D perception and data processing, mobile robotics, autonomous systems.

+ Previous activities

  • Research Assistant at Fraunhofer IGD: Developed of a initial pose estimation for Augmented Reality applications by training a CNN on rendered CAD data.

  • Bachelor’s Thesis at Fraunhofer IPM: Developed a new method for calibrating Multi-Sensor-Systems (2D-LiDAR with cameras) using a laser tracker. This method produces results with 10x the accuracy of previous methods (0.1 mm / 0.5 mrad STD).

+ Current Projects

  • Master’s Thesis at MIST Lab: Training a CNN in a simulator to avoid obstacles in real life (more info soon …)
  • Email address : ** mail {at} nfinitedesign {dot} de **
  • Or find me on Linkedin

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