Distributed, Online, and Outlier Resilient SLAM for Robotic Teams

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B.A.T.M.A.N Routing Protocol

First you need some additional kernel modules.

Then to use batman:

sudo batctl if add ra0
sudo ip link set up dev bat0

To obtain an IPv4 address associated to the batman interface, run:

sudo avahi-autoipd bat0 &

You can now check if you see other devices using batman either by using ping with their bat0 IPv4 addresses, or checking the neighbors:

sudo batctl n

Setting ra0 and bat0 interfaces automatically on boot, with a static IP.

We have a script ready which can run on boot and sets up the interface with a static and manually set IP. You can find the script here:

You should copy this script in /etc/init.d/, and modify the by the static IP address you want on the bat0 interface.

Then run the following commands for the script to run on boot:

cd /etc/init.d
sudo chmod +x
sudo update-rc.d defaults

Once you’ll reboot you should be able to check that the ra0 interface is of type IBSS connected to the NVIDIA SSID with:

sudo iw dev ra0 info

You should see the bat0 interface when running ifconfig, with the static IP you chose.